澳洲投資移民 - 188B 投資者簽證
- 188B澳洲投資移民最新消息 (2021年7月更新):
- 資產要求提升至250萬澳元
- 投資要求增加至250萬澳元
- 投資產品從州政策債券,轉為指定的合規投資組合,與188C看齊
About Australia
188B - Australia Investor Immigration Programs
188B - 投資者簽證簡介
- 188B投資者類簽證專為從事投資活動的投資者而設
- 188B是為期5年的臨居簽證
- 188B申請人遞交澳洲永久居民申請前,必須在澳洲3年內累計住滿2年
- 188B申請費用為6,085澳元,之後每攜帶一名家人須額外繳交1,520澳元(18歲以下)或3,045澳元(18歲以上)
188B - 投資者簽證優勢
- 不設語言(包括英語)和學術門檻
- 可偕同父母、配偶及同居伴侶
- 可攜帶18歲以下子女,或18至23歲全職學生
- 投資金額及風險低,且有穩定回報
- 能夠獲得澳洲永久居民身份
- 與香港時差僅3小時,更容易適應
- 澳洲護照的免簽國家達184個
- 不設雙重徵稅,可放心繼續香港的生意及投資
- 全世界第12大經濟體,宜居指數極高
Permanent visa 888:
- Must have lived in Australia for at least 2 years before application
- Must hold a complying significant investment of 2.5 million continuously for the life of the provisional visa.
- Applicants should have a satisfactory compliance with applicable Australian Commonwealth, State and Territory laws.
- The principal applicant must be under the age of 55.
- The principle applicant must have at least 3 years investment experiences.
- 移民評分測試中獲取至少65分
- The principle applicant needs to make a designed investment of at least $2,500,000 AUD in an Australian state or territory and maintain business and investment activity in Australia.
- The principle applicant (or his/her spouse) must have at least $2,500,000 AUD net assets in thepast 2 fiscal years.
The principle applicant (or his/her spouse) must satisfy one of the below requirement within thepast 5 fiscal years:
- Direct participation in Management of the qualified business (own at least 10% of the company).
- Direct participation in Management of the qualified investment project. The total value of the investment project must be at least $1,500,000 AUD.
188B - Point test
- 18至24(20分)
- 25至32(30分)
- 33至39(25分)
- 40至44(20分)
- 45至54(15分)
- 55或以上(必須獲州政府豁免)
- 雅思IELTS測試每門最低5分(5分)
- 雅思IELTS測試每門最低7分(10分)
- 海外學士(5分)
- 澳洲學士(10分)
- 商科、科學及科技的認可學位資歷(10分)
- 過去4年有25萬澳元投資(10分)
- 過去7年有25萬澳元投資(15分)
- 有2年超過75萬澳元/年(5分)
- 有2年超過125萬澳元/年(15分)
- 有2年超過175萬澳元/年(25分)
- 有2年超過225萬澳元/年(35分)
- 過去2年125萬澳元以上(5分)
- 過去2年175萬澳元以上(15分)
- 過去2年225萬澳元以上(25分)
- 過去2年275萬澳元以上(35分)
- 1年以上註冊專利或設計(15分)
- 1年以上註冊商標(10分)
- 1年以上正式的聯營公司(5分)
- 主營出入口貿易,並在過去4年間有2年出口佔銷售50%(15分)
- 州政府認可特别貢獻(10分)
- 快速增長業績(10分)
- 過去4年曾被政府獎勵1萬澳元或吸引風險投資超過10萬澳元(10分)
188B - 投資者簽證投資選項
- 至少50萬澳幣到專門投資澳洲新興和小型私企的風投基金或私募股權基金
- 至少75萬澳幣到專門投資澳洲證券交易所上市的新興公司的合規管理基金或上市投資公司
- 至少125萬澳幣於管理基金或上市投資公司的投資組合中作均衡型投資,該組合包括其他澳洲證券交易所的上市公司、符合資格的公司債券或票據、年金和房地產(注:投資住宅房地產的比例有嚴例規管)
188B - 投資者簽證申請流程(自行)
- 申請人進行評分測試
- 交意向申請書(EOI)和州擔保
- 獲得州擔保提名
- 遞交簽證申請
- 通過移民局面試(如有)
- 投資州政府指定的金融產品
- 簽證獲批
188B - 投資者簽證申請流程(移民顧問代辦)
Free consultation(1 day)
Collect and process client documents
Sign service agreement and letter of attorney. Pay advanced deposit (70%) -
Submit Expression of Interest (VISA 188)/Prepare business plan and apply state or territory government nomination
Compile financial statement by Australian accountant
Pay accountant fee -
Submit application
Body check
Visa application
30% payment
188B - Documents Required
(A) Personal Information:
- Identity card
- Passport (information page and all the dates of visas, entries and departures from Australia)
- Birth certificate
- Marriage certificate
- No criminal record (Applicants above the age of sixteen)
- Applicant’s address for the past decade
- Names of parents and siblings, their date of birth, marital status and the country they are living in
- The jobs and educational background of applicant and applicant’s spouse
- 4 passport photos of each applicant
- Certification of dependent children age of 18 years or above.
- For each applicant aged 18 years or older claiming functional English, please refer to the following website for information on how to prove the applicant has functional English.
(B) Personal Property:
- Bank statement
- Net assets of the company
- Stocks and bonds: share or bond registers, share/fixed interest securities, debentures or transfer certificates
- Real estate: valuation certificates by an accredited property value
(C) Company Information:
- Certificate of business registration
- Certification of incorporation
- Photos of business premises and business activities (about 10 photos)
- Company organizational chart
- Promotion materials
- Memorandum and articles of association
- A full set of financial statements for past 2 years
- 過去4年財政年度之公司審計報告
- 最近3年的日常管理檔樣本,以證明申請人在獲邀申請前4個財政年度中2個財政年度有參與公司的日常管理及決策(例如:商業合同,會議記錄,申請人簽署的授權檔等)